

Thursday, November 17, 2011

All Posts Tagged 'Andy Wachowski March 31, 1999: The Matrix Hooks Us

1999: Larry and Andy Wachowski release The Matrix, the first puzzle game in what became a trilogy of science fiction influence. Cyberpunks quickly forget the techno cultural flops like Lawnmower Man and virtuosity never existed.

The film was cyberfiction staples such as those found in the trilogy of William Gibson's expansion - including his classic 1984 novel, Neuromancer, where we take the concept of interconnection "matrix" - and mash with wire-fu anime , postmodernism, metaphysics, Alice in Wonderland, Jean Baudrillard's simulacra and simulations, and a stream of other texts and films resulting contexts.The was a great success: The Matrix grossed $ 460 million (600 million inflation-adjusted dollars) in box office worldwide and became the first DVD to spend more than 3 million units in the United States alone.

Along the way, he also took an Oscar for his technical review and pioneering visual effects, which exploded in the use of "bullet time" technique, and upped the ante in every action movie to follow. Defeated a wildly anticipated Star Wars: The Phantom Menace, which was paralyzed by Jar Jar Binks unfortunate, to win the statuette effects.

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