Emile Hirsch (Into the Wild) stars at this speed on the big screen adaptation of the popular era of the 1960 Japanese animated series from directors Larry and Andy Wachowski, the minds behind the blockbuster Matrix trilogy. With the support of his parents (Susan Sarandon and John Goodman), his girlfriend, Trixie (Christina Ricci), and his one-time rival Racer X (Matthew Fox), Speed aims to conquer the cross-country race known as The Crucible.
Rating: 6 out of 10
Make no mistake of interpretation of the classic Japanese comic book by the Wachowski Brothers' is a film for children.
If I was 8, I love it. The race and the worlds are bright as plastic toys. The race is action packed with physics that apply only to cars matchbox. The characters are developed enough that adults can find something to participate, and music are very unique race. The world is almost like Las Vegas Strip. Everything is bright, strong and technologically advanced, and is full of strangers.
I give the glory of the Wachowski brothers, doing their own take on this film, and essentially taking the comic and cartoon adaptation to the possible conclusion. As an adult, did not have much to appreciate. I did laugh a few times and it held my interest enough, but it is not a good movie. If you have small children, you probably eat it like a bowl of Count Chocula. The rest of us will eat our total
Rating: 6 out of 10
Make no mistake of interpretation of the classic Japanese comic book by the Wachowski Brothers' is a film for children.
If I was 8, I love it. The race and the worlds are bright as plastic toys. The race is action packed with physics that apply only to cars matchbox. The characters are developed enough that adults can find something to participate, and music are very unique race. The world is almost like Las Vegas Strip. Everything is bright, strong and technologically advanced, and is full of strangers.
I give the glory of the Wachowski brothers, doing their own take on this film, and essentially taking the comic and cartoon adaptation to the possible conclusion. As an adult, did not have much to appreciate. I did laugh a few times and it held my interest enough, but it is not a good movie. If you have small children, you probably eat it like a bowl of Count Chocula. The rest of us will eat our total
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